Sales Leadership

Seven Deadly Leadership Sins that Derail Your Career
In my executive coaching practice, I often work with gifted, capable leaders who repeatedly get passed over for promotion. They move up the ranks from

The One Thing That Changes Everything
I love Kmart. But not for the low, low prices or the blue light specials. I love Kmart because wherever I travel in the United

More Headcount Won’t Get You to Goal. Here’s What Will.
Need more sales? Hire more salespeople. That’s been the strategy for the past decade in sales organizations large and small. Throw bodies at a number.

Managing Up without Being a Suck Up
Brown noser, bootlicker, backslapper. These are the more polite terms we use to describe someone who makes their primary job at work garnering the praise

The Myth and Misfortunes of Heroic Sales Leadership
As I write this article, Americans are basking in the glow of a spectacular Super Bowl. The glow will be short-lived, however, with the Iowa

A Template for Every Sales Team Meeting
Let me brutally honest with you. Salespeople hate going to meetings. There, I’ve said it. Here’s why. First, salespeople are action-oriented. They don’t like sitting

Should You Be a Sales Manager? Five Key Questions
It makes perfect sense. You’re good at sales. Perhaps, even, one of the best on your team. So, you should be a sales manager. The

Six Essentials for Virtual Team Meetings
Every leader I know conducts some, or even most, of their team meetings online in a virtual environment. This is an inescapable reality in today’s

When a Sales Superstar Slips into a Slump: Four Critical Steps
One of the most frustrating sales management experiences happens when a rep who’s at the top of her game suddenly nosedives. A high performer who’s

Six Secrets to a Successful Skip Level Meeting
It’s great being a senior sales leader. There’s greater visibility within the organization and greater say in overall strategy. And, of course, there’s increased salary

Intentional Culture Creation for Senior Sales Leaders
Culture! Culture! Culture! Culture! Everyone you follow these days, from business gurus to corporate executives, talks about the importance of organizational culture. If you’re a

The Five Biggest Sales Hiring Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)
The most repeated question I’m asked everywhere I travel in my sales consulting practice is this: How do we hire good salespeople? With unemployment at